Friday, April 27, 2007

Fridays Top Ten..Sexual Positions

Pittsburghbeauty and i are trying to conceive our first child. It would appear that good old missionary is the best way to continue ones bloodline. But hell, there are some real doozies out there. For your reading pleasure my top 10 favorite positions, in no particular order....I think

  1. Reverse Cowgirl-Man on his back, woman on top but facing the other way while straddling.
  2. Side-The I'm too tired to put in too much effort...."me too". Also, know as the rise and shine. Spooning I have to mention the man is behind the woman.
  3. Finishing Move- Picture Missionary, but the woman has her legs closed. great for those drunk night when you just can't seem to finish.
  4. Reverse Finishing move-Her on her stomach, you on top of her. Legs closed.
  5. Doggy- If you don't know...get out of the house.
  6. Kitchen Sex-Anywhere in the kitchen is always good. I prefer the counter top or Island. Facing or from behind is fine.
  7. Cowgirl-Girl on top. It such a wonderful thing to see a beautiful woman on top of you getting what SHE wants.
  8. Shoulder lean-Missionary, but with the man on his knees and the woman legs on his shoulders.
  9. Outdoor-Nothing as exhilarating as the being outdoor with the wind blowing in places that rarely see the sun. My favorite was in the rain, on a car in my parents drive way.
  10. Good old Missionary. You can never forget the one that started it all.

Hope you enjoyed, now go try one out.

1 comment:

Esmerelda said...

what is that 'sex' thing you keep talking about. never seen it before. really. I don't understand any of this...